Mission and Values
C-CAB’s mission is to drive positive change by helping to solve the poverty puzzle and empower disadvantaged communities. To achieve this mission, we use the power of strategic communication, trusted media and grassroots engagement.

We envision a world in which individuals and communities have the information they need, in a language they understand, from sources they trust, and are empowered to make the right decisions to shape their lives and livelihoods.

We use innovative ideas and tools and collaborate with a range of stakeholders to tackle some of the most complex and challenging problems facing government, communities and businesses.

In everything we do, we live by four core values:

Humanity: We believe in a common humanity and look to find common ground at all times. We live by humanitarian values and principles, working to protect life and health and ensure respect for human beings.

Integrity: We have an unwavering commitment to civility and ethical behavior. We are committed to our beneficiaries and stakeholders.

Responsibility: We are accountable and aim to act responsibly at all times. If we make a mistake,
we analyze, learn and correct our course.

Excellence: We hold ourselves to high standards. We celebrate innvotation, always striving to learn and improve.